Thursday, October 7, 2010

Modern Milk has launched!

We’re back from Lunch! and Modern Milk has launched, with fantastic feedback! The trade show went really well, and we were delighted with the comments from show visitors about Modern Milk

It was a very busy couple of days, with visits to the stand so frequent that at times that it was a challenge to keep up with the demand for samples. All the flavours were popular, but Smooth Coffee with a hint of Vanilla was a clear winner– maybe because Steve, one of the Modern Milk team, was determined to change people’s perceptions of a coffee milk drink. Before long, lots of visitors (who said they really didn’t like coffee) were agreeing with him that it really wasn’t what they expected – it was delicious! Lush Banana and Honey was a morning favourite, with Milk Chocolate with a hint of Golden Caramel appealing more in the afternoon. Ripe Strawberry and Raspberry seemed to satisfy everyone at any time of the day!

We weren’t just speaking to potential stockists at the show – we also made sure we had time to brief the trade press. Our first piece of coverage for Modern Milk was out in Saturday’s Grocer, and more will follow.

We’ve taken a few requests from wholesalers to stock the product, but if you have any more, please do make sure you let us know so that we can make sure your preferred stockist is approached. If you left your contact details with us for more information, we will be in touch soon! If you can’t wait that long, check out our website for more information on the Modern Milk launch.

And, the final question from Lunch! - who won the iPad that we were giving away on our stand? Sadly the Modern Milk team wasn’t allowed to enter the draw, but we hear the winner is delighted with her prize.

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