Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Coupon: Back by popular demand!

The 50p off Modern Milk coupon is now back on our website and Facebook page following high levels of demand!

The coupon is for use in Tesco Extra and is valid until 25th December.

To download your free 50p off coupon visit

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Seven Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Milk

When it comes to milk, we like to think that we know a thing or two; or at least you would hope. Much of this knowledge would send even the most avid dairy fan to sleep, however, there are a few interesting facts that we couldn’t go another minute without sharing. From the humble beginnings, to the bizarre, be prepared for a little trivia that could help you win a pub quiz or two.

It All Began In Asia

Following the domestication of many animals and the beginnings of agriculture, humans independently began to discover milk across the globe. It is thought that Southwest Asia were first to sample the dairy drink as early as 9000-7000BC. History indicates that British farmers didn’t begin milking their animals for another 3000 years (4000BC).

Louis Pasteur – The Dairy Godfather

You may have already guessed from his name, Pasteur was the brains behind the preservation of milk. Treating food with heat as a means of preservation was nothing new by the time that the term “pasteurisation” was coined in the late 1800’s, however, Pasteur’s research successfully determined the temperature at which harmful bacteria in milk would be killed, without compromising its taste. Doubtless, Pasteur’s studies changed the way the world thought about milk, not only eradicating it of harmful diseases such as tuberculosis but also extending its shelf life.

The Cows Have Competition

You’ve probably seen goats milk in your local supermarket, but have you ever considered sampling the milk of camels, donkeys, horses, reindeer, sheep, water buffalo or yak? Just in case you thought these supplies were going untried, we can confirm that India consumed 59,210,000 tonnes of buffalo milk in 2007!

Camels Milk – Good For Diabetics

Believe it or not, camels milk contains high levels of insulin & other antibodies that help naturally regulate blood sugar levels. It’s amazing to see some of the research conducted around camels milk & diabetes control. One such study by scientists at the Diabetes Care and Research Centre, SP Medical College Bikaner, claims that drinking camels milk daily could supplement 60-70% of insulin intake by type 1 diabetics.

Milk – The Best Drink In The World [Fact]

Milk contains more natural nutrients than any other drink in the world! Aside from providing a huge range of health benefits, Modern Milk includes calcium, phosphorous, potassium, riboflavin, vitamins , B12, D, magnesium, fibre, carbohydrate & zinc. That’s a lot of dairy goodness squeezed into one 330ml carton and we’ve even added extra calcium, vitamin D and fibre too. If that wasn’t tempting enough, for a limited time only you can save 50p on a bottle of Modern Milk at selected Tesco stores by printing our online voucher.

Chocolate Milk – A Sports Recovery Drink

Sportsmen and women could be forgiven for reaching for the isotonic drinks made popular in the 80’s and 90’s to refuelling post exercise. However, in recent years there have been scores of studies supporting the benefits of milk as being a more effective alternative. One such study by James Madison University in the USA found that footballers that consumed chocolate milk as a post exercise recovery drink showed increased resistance to muscle damage. These findings are echoed by similar studies that claim athletes can train up to a third longer than those sipping isotonic energy drinks. Stay tuned for our scientific experiment using Modern Milk as a substitute for Gatorade.

Udder Madness!

A cows udder can hold anything between 11-22kg of milk, depending on the size and breed of course. To put this into perspective, a single cow can yield up to 90 glasses of milk per day; we’re guessing that’s more than you could drink?

Do you know any more fun facts about milk? We’d love to hear from you. Oh, and if any of these tips help you win your local pub quiz, be sure not to forget us…

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

50p off Modern Milk

We are currently offering a 50p off Modern Milk coupon, for use in selected Tesco Extra stores.

With the new 99p price-tag this means you'll be able to get your favourate flavoured milk drink for only 49p!

To download, print or share the coupon, visit the Modern Milk Facebook page